... is to be able to make each other laugh.

M & G have that quality solid! They are so goofy with each other, that just looking at each other makes them giggle. When I asked M to make a serious face, she couldn't do it! She was laughing too much. So then, to bring the laughter down, she says, "okay, think about dead puppies".... which of course is such an absurd thought, that it made all of us crack up even more!

We had their session at the site where their wedding ceremony will be. Well, not right here on this dock, but behind them, across the lake, at a friend's home overlooking the water. How lovely does that sound?!

The sun rose fast during our morning shoot, which is normally a troublesome feat during a photo session with toddlers. Though when adults are the subject, and they will actually sit still for you, I love the halos that result from the backlighting the overhead sun gives my subjects. It adds a little pop!

G & M, good luck with the final details, and we will see you 6.21!
1 comment:
Cool shots - Very Earthy, with the lake in the background & such! And then I scroll down & you take 'urban' style pics just as well - so versatile are you as a photog!
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