Thursday, May 31, 2007

Let the Celebration Begin!

I know it's been so long since a post, I'm sorry! It's graduation season and during this time of year I fit in time with a company that takes pictures at high school and college graduations. So balancing that + my own work = little sleep and not much down time!

These seniors have graduated! C & M joined their families for a post-grad. lunch and invited me along beforehand for some shots from this memorable day.

We found some little nooks right outside of the restaurant for photo opps.! Proof that pictures are really just about the person, the setting we can work around...

Family and friends came in from all over to celebrate these young women.

Congratulations to you both and your loved ones!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Not in Georgia

Sweet Savannah always gets plenty of kisses from her mommy... her two older brothers have grown up so fast!

At six weeks old, she already has grown out of her newborn wrinkles into kissable baby fat rolls.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cowboy Zac

This handsome country guy is an expert on all things pig & horse! He is so funny and outgoing and has won several awards for judging farm animals at contests. He is going to college with a judging scholarship!

(Love that spikey belt!)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What adventures could a park hold?

Carefully crossing a wobbly bridge...

Being Spider Man and climbing your "webs"...(don'tcha know sticking your tongue out helps your Spidey senses?)

Singing while clanging the bells...

Surveying the kingdom from atop your castle...

Searching for bugs..."I think I see an ant!...They're so silly!"

Enjoying some refreshingly cold juice, after a busy morning's play, compliments of your queen, (Mommy)...

Monday, May 7, 2007


May 7, 2005
Just a little personal note.... today is our 2 year wedding anniversary!
That was such a beautiful day for us, and I couldn't be happier to be his Mrs.!

It's been wonderful getting to see my best friend every day, and heck, I got a great name for my photo biz out of the deal to boot! :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Oh, the places you'll go...!

Chris is graduating from UNT next week!!! Congratulations on that wonderful high of accomplishment! I remember releasing such a sigh thinking, for the rest of my life, I can say I did this! (and have a measly 14 x 17 in. piece of paper to prove it! .....well, a very expensive piece of paper anyways...)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

3 cousins, their pup, and nature's best

Little Gracie just adores her older cousins! (& they can't get enough of her too...)

Kinzie found these wild flowers out on their land where we did our shoot, and she looks so pretty as a little flower girl! (and they match her nail polish!)

Dawson absolutely could not live anywhere else but the country side! He was so cute, *ALL boy* roaming around out there, picking up bugs, digging in the mud, climbing things, all the while of course his mom was trying to corral him in to take some pictures, and keep clean, (which, living on gorgeous land like that, who wouldn't want to play out there?)

This little angel is so smart and very mature! She's only two, but she knew just how to shine when the camera came out, little cutie!

Their lucky pooch, Frisco, was right there with Dawson, loving this huge play ground he gets to live on. He was jumping in the creek, swimming all around, chasing animals, but yet when it was time to go back home, he lead the way all the way back.