Miss Personality, R, was the star of our show a few weeks back when we photographed her whole paternal side of the family.

She looked at me with her hands up like this, and I was puzzled for a minute as to what she was doing, until I realized she was mimicking me! A little photographer-in-the-making! Cute, imaginative, 2-yr.-old!

Daddy is proud to show off his 3-month-old boy, D, along with Daddy's grandfather, and father, making that D's great-grandfather and grandfather! 4 generations of men in this family.

D instantly snuggled into Pop's chest.

(Gotta love a precious, baby faux-hawk!)

Mommy got some one-on-one time with her little man. Poor D needed his batteries re-charged from all of the action!

Why does every toddler know how to perfect that innocent expression?

But, judging from these pictures....

....you cannot get much sweeter than this.

Later, after photographing R & D with their mommy and daddy, we walked up the stairs to find the two great-grandmothers just chatting away and giggling like they were hanging out a soda shop after high school! It was adorable.

What do you think R is deep in thought about? The ponderings of a little one.

R was fun entertainment for everyone, watching her toss change into the fountain.
All together, there was Daddy, great-grandfather, the two great-grandmothers (one holding D), grandfather & grandmother, uncle, aunt, R, & Mommy.
R & D are blessed kiddos to have so much love surrounding them.
All together, there was Daddy, great-grandfather, the two great-grandmothers (one holding D), grandfather & grandmother, uncle, aunt, R, & Mommy.
R & D are blessed kiddos to have so much love surrounding them.
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