Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Photog Heaven...

Gearing up for Christmas season, we took the plunge with Adobe CS3, and man oh man is this quite the powerful tool!

Examples you ask? Well, here are a couple pics. with the "before" picture being straight-out-of-camera (no Photoshop work done at all); then, of course, the "after" being once I played around with it a bit:

(*insert here mental images of me dancing around my office in glee!!!*)

I am still figuring out how to tame this infinite beast! I worked with it in college and learned some tricks there, but about having to know your terms!

Now, coming from my Journalism background, Photoshop can have it's ugly sides too. Remember this magazine cover shot, compared to this one?
That's what professionals call a "no-no"...
In my opinion, this program is used best when you "enhance" your images with the information that was already available in the picture.

I've been asked before if I can change a person's outfit using Photoshop, as in change the color of their shirt/make it long-sleeve instead of short-sleeve. Well, yes and no. Yes, it is possible - is that what photography is

"Use your powers for good, not evil, my son." - Is that really a quote from something, or did I just make that up?

So, there is my new tool! Off to learn more about it! (with a big smile on my face!)

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