No, this is not Eva Mendes, though she could be her gorgeous sister!
This is 16-yr.-old, drama queen, (yes, I said 16! ....turns 17 in a month...) J.And I say "drama queen" not in derogatory manner, but she is the queen of drama! She loves theater and has goals of being an actress one day.

At this house, I see it all the time walking my dogs and always thought how cool it would be to photograph here. So walking up to the house, J questions if this is okay, and I'm all "oh yeah, I'm sure there's no one home..." We start shooting and I see a face in the window...the guy is laughing none-the-less, so at least I know we're not in trouble, but then two guys walk outside and one says, "I was in my room and then I start seeing this flashing!"... kinda funny, we got caught, but they were very nice college guys and laughed about it. I didn't leave without showing them the pics. though, their house makes a cool background!

Did I mention she is a senior this year, graduating early?! (Smarty patootie!)

We had SUCH a blast driving ALL over town hitting some neat spots I've been eyeing.
Yeah, at this location, creepy, but innocent, older guy drove up and questioned her, "Are you a model? Because you're like, gorgeous."
True statement, still kinda creepy...
True statement, still kinda creepy...

She has such a fun fashion sense!

That's right, prom dress & cowgirl boots! (wait... boots unseen...)
I had such a fun time, J. You are the perfect model: great outfits, great posing!
Great work Julie!! Love that house!
Yay! Oh my goodness I LOVE all of the shots you posted and I can't wait
to see all of the others!!!! The shoe pic in front for the "7 wall" was
sooooo dramatic! I love it! Wow I am so excited!
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