Baby A is 3 months old and the pride of her family, (betcha can't tell!)

While her Aunt J gives her kisses, A decided to give the "OK" symbol with her little hand! She just wanted to let us know that life is good with her family around.

It was a windy morning when we met, and A needed a little lovin' from mommy & grandma every now and then to remind her that the harsh, blowing wind was not a form of torture! The poor thing, it took her breath away!

Oh, you may have noticed that she has filled out quite a bit! Her mommy & daddy sure are doing a good job! She has so many adorable rolls, I just wanted to squish her precious thighs!

While I wish I was entertaining enough to be able to claim that my clients crack up at me this much - this hysteria is due to baby A's stroller rolling down the hill, gaining speed, then toppling over in to the Denton courthouse bushes! Perfect timing!
* (I woke up the morning of their session with the thought 'ottoman' in my mind - random! The ottoman that A's stylish grandma is sitting on is my very own from my living room! My husband gave me a funny look as I requested his help loading it into my trunk, but I'm so glad I did! It came out exactly like I had envisioned upon my awakening. Does that ever happen to you guys? Some mornings, when I'm still in a half asleep/awake mode, ideas about my business, or about anything I suppose, will come to me, and they're usually pretty successful! Weird... maybe I should sleep more. Or, in spurts, possibly, so I'd have more of those "waking up" moments more often....anyways, enough rambling!)

Oh. My. Goodness. Do you see that lip? 3 months old! She has me wrapped around her finger and I've met her twice! With pouty faces like that, mommy & daddy don't stand a chance.

We had a really fun morning together. They are a sweet family!
I loved that they wanted to do all different sorts of groupings between the 6 of them. It allowed me to keep the locations spontaneous!
I loved that they wanted to do all different sorts of groupings between the 6 of them. It allowed me to keep the locations spontaneous!

Precious! Rolls, rolls, rolls.
*I played with a different coloring feature that I didn't know I even had! Sort of that vintage/fade/wash look. I like it!
*I played with a different coloring feature that I didn't know I even had! Sort of that vintage/fade/wash look. I like it!

So this is a zoomed-in crop of the original of the picture above. I have never had this happen before: I was looking at this picture, and saw a black mark on her shirt and thought it was a tear. When I zoomed in closer, I saw that it was a bug in flight! What are the timing odds?! Well, like I said, it has never happened to me before! Obviously I took it out of the edited picture, but I thought it was fun, so I wanted to share the original!
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