I met her cuddle-bug last Friday, exactly on his 3-week birthday. I love his nursery-rhyme-themed room, but especially the "poop happens" tile hanging on the wall next to the table..... so true...

He is quite the sweet and handsome little fellow.

This shot was a quick snap! Andrew was completely safe with mommy standing by, and I love how it turned out! I'm so happy we were swift and caught this little shot. Newborns are so tiny for such a short time.
*How cute is the picture of his mommy and daddy on the shelf below him from when they were just a dating couple? Sweet to look at them then, and now their new, baby boy.

Andrew has a thoughtful daddy. After he was born, his daddy went out to get his mommy some much-needed dinner, but when he returned and she reached into the bag for her food, she instead pulled out a small, blue box with this necklace inside. Not only is that gooey sweet, but the bean-shaped necklace is symbolic because all through their pregnancy they called the baby their little "bean."

I think when a 21-day-old-person is giving you the "evil eye".... it may be time to leave.
AHAHAHA! I just might've woken him up bc I laughed out loud at the EVIL EYE!!! He was likely just tired of being naked and exploited...no personal offense! I love love LOVE all these and like I've said before, SO lucky to have you around to bless us with such sweet memories for the photo album. :)
Congrats Kim! Your little one is precious! I'm glad I can watch him grow... through Julie's lens! ha!
I forgot to say that the pictures are amazing. I love the bookshelf one!
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