Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cupid Who Couldn't Be Cuter!

You residents of Denton should have received your February issue of the Denton Connection by now.

Let me tell ya....this little cupid gave us so many adorable images, I really don't know how the magazine picked just one!

Let us review the cuteness:

*The perfectness of her little cupid self would have to make this one of my top three favorites.

*So long as I'm naming a "top three", this one would HAVE to be in there as well. The only word that comes to mind when I look at this image is angel.
(*The image that actually made the cover is definitely the one that completes my favorites. But you'll have to wait to view that one. I'll post it soon!)

(I love the toes!)

B was such a good, little cupid. She was so well-behaved, let us take as many pictures as we wanted, never got tired of it, always gave us the most adorable smiles, and put up with the chilly weather!

*And, um, major props to the publisher at the magazine for MAKING this outfit! Everything about it! (Okay, well, she bought the shirt.) But she made the skirt, the hair garland, the wings, the arrows, the bow, and the arrow holder! (there is probably a more technical term than "arrow holder", but that's what I came up with...)
She is such a crafty queen!

Something Fun

My mom emailed me this list, and for those of you on your "lunch break" at work, (or a thinking break would suffice as well), I thought it might be fun to give you some good reading material!

43 Date-Night Ideas

I'm not the most creative at coming up with new ways to spend time with my hubby, so this is fun for me! There are so many good ones on the list!

Though my husband was super sweet yesterday and brought me home my favorite spring-time-only candy. Which....BJ Novak from our favorite show, rightfully pointed out that the eggs are shrinking! A travesty! (The video in the story no longer works, but the picture below it proves the truth!)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fun Family of Four Female Generations

The library session!

These 5 ladies + one cute, little girl = 4 generations!

S was her usual goofy, sweet self!
(Whose birthday happens to be... TODAY! Happy 5th birthday!!!)

I just love that...

this mother and daughter, and...

this mother and daughter, and...

this mother and daughter, are all because of...

this beautiful woman.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Simple & Lovely

M wanted her maternity session to be simple, black/white, and casual.
(Does little B have a baby in his tummy?)
Love it!

We had their shoot at my home studio. It's a cozy room, allowing B to feel like he can warm up to the idea of playing with mommy and daddy; so long as it's on the special, black fabric! (Nothing "special" about it, other than that's the spot where B would get his treat if he kissed mommy's belly.)
That was our goal for the session. M really wanted an image of her son kissing her tummy.

Along the way to that goal, B acquired a piece of gum, and Shrek tattoos, (which nudged him in the right direction because......)

We got the shot!

I like to just focus on the belly, too. It's so perfectly round and lovely.
I kept this in color because the pink glow made me think of the little girl growing inside. *(She was born two days later!)*

Though I also really like this angle of the same image,
and .... the end, I can't decide if I like it in sepia tones more.
Which do you think?

*I'm off for a weekend in Austin with my girlfriends celebrating one's birthday! I haven't been to Austin in years, and this will be my second trip this month! My sweet husband surprised me with a weekend away there as my Christmas present a couple weeks ago.
Talk to ya on Monday!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Time for Cake!

We thought it would be cute to reward Dean for his hard work with a birthday cupcake after his session.
The following is that adventure...

Let me get warmed up before I dive into this...

hmmm...I detect a hint of table-flavoring in this frosting for some reason...

Should I try to be a gentleman and keep my hands clean?

Nah, who am I kidding? I should use both hands at the same time!

But I'm not being too messy though, right Mom?

Are you laughing at me? I know I'm cute!

There's no way I'm letting all of this go to waste...

Don't worry, Mom, I've got the clean up covered.

I may need some help with the table though...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another Birthday Post!

It seems like my last few posts have all been birthday related!

Well, the other day, it was baby Dean's day to celebrate! Time has flown since his 6 mon. & 9 mon. sessions! He's gotten so big! (I love how his cute tummy hung over his pants!)

So, as you know, I normally keep my clients' names private, but I got Dean's mommy's permission to use his name so that I could share the chair pictures! I love his mommy's idea of bringing along his new chair he just received for his birthday, (and the balloons from his party!)

That is my favorite part of capturing images - personalizing them to your family, especially on a big event like a first birthday!

His laugh is infectious!
Such a happy, little guy.

(Despite the cold! It didn't seem to phase him at all!)

His mommy looks so pretty!

He is getting the hang of this walking thing! (As much as his parents are getting the hang of a mobile baby! For his birthday, they bought baby gates for the house because he's decided he's curious about what's up stairs!)

That's it! It's time for cake!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Meant for the South

How many days until it's warm again outside?
I remember during a shoot last July at the Dallas Arboretum, just p.o.u.r.i.n.g down sweat - (lovely image, I know!), but at least it was manageable! I had a shoot recently of a little guy, (that I'm posting next!) that the poor thing was just frozen, crawling around outside. But his mom and I talked it out and decided that an urban shoot was just what he needed to complete his Chickadee Planner package, (his 6 mon. session was at home, and his 9 mon. at the pumpkin patch). Yes, we realized the temp. outside, but he was bundled up. But that's the point....I'm ready for warmer temperatures so I can make it easy on you guys for your outdoor shoots! I LOVE shooting outdoors. It's just natural, I don't have to fiddle with my flash, and I don't mind shivering and chattering my teeth, because I'M not the one having to look *picture perfect*! It's you guys who have to bear the cold and try to keep jolly, and it's just a frustrating time I'm having right now with Mother Nature!
We were quite inventive this morning. I had a shoot and it was just* too* cold* to even try to do the whole thing outdoors! So we called up a library in town and did the whole thing there!!! I know, a library! You're probably thinking, there's just rows of books there. No, no, I love the spots we found and I'm excited to look through all the images. They were giving tours while we were there, so I'm sure the tour guide had to say something like, "while you're studying in here, there won't normally be a photo session going on!" It was my first time to shoot there, and I was sure to be courteous to all the staff and say thank you on the way out, because that was just the perfect remedy location for our frozen fingers! It's nice to have it on my list of options!
It's times like this that I think about getting a studio put together. I have a small one in my home, but it's capacity is probably four people, max. I drive by the little, 1920s homes in Denton, with great, big windows, and think about turning that into a studio. My love, though, is natural photography, so I don't think it would be worth it to get all of that set up for just the two months out of the year that's it's cold outside. If I ever did do something like that, it would probably just be very simple on the inside, with cool furniture that I would use in the images, and maybe different colored walls to have as background choices. I would definitely not haul out the splatter-painted backdrops you remember sitting on as a kid, or ones painted as a sunset, or something of that cheesy sort. And definitely just natural light. The requirement for the space would have to be giant windows! (This is just me dreaming here... out loud... never mind me.)
Then again, I think I'm just rambling because 10 months out of the year, I would be using the great outdoors. And, home sessions are another favorite of mine. Showing one's personal space, and incorporating that in the pictures. When we moved out of our apt., before buying our home, I remember thinking that I do not have any pictures of that place! How often do you take pictures of your own home? It's somewhere that's where your children make their memories and you nestle with your loved ones - an important place that often gets overlooked. I love especially when I show a client pictures from their home session and they say, I didn't realize my home was so beautiful! I think when you're just there, day-to-day, living, it's just so routine to look at the things you've collected over the years. But, when they're photographed, with your family in there too, I think it brings new light to the memories you've made, and in itself, becomes a new keepsake for your little ones to cherish.
Well, so, all that to say, it's no fun shooting in the cold, but now that just gets me excited thinking about the home sessions coming up.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Special Birthdate

Meet M & S's new baby sister, T!

The term "Christmas baby" is typically used if the little one is born any time during the month of December. Well, T is a *true* Christmas baby, sharing her birthday with Jesus!

As a girl with two brothers myself, I see sports and blowing-up-army-men-in-the-sandbox-with-blackcats playing in her future!

Her big brothers do adore her though. They oodled over her and fought over whose turn it was to hold her next.

Though one of the sweetest things from her session is this blanket. It was her mommy's when she was an infant!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Birthday Present That Lasts A Lifetime

Mr. O got his Mrs. a family session for her birthday present!

We went to a park near their home for the shoot. That was easy and I love the little nooks we found!

We had to time the session just right while their daughter was home from college on winter break.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Mrs. O!