Let me tell ya....this little cupid gave us so many adorable images, I really don't know how the magazine picked just one!
Let us review the cuteness:

*The perfectness of her little cupid self would have to make this one of my top three favorites.

*So long as I'm naming a "top three", this one would HAVE to be in there as well. The only word that comes to mind when I look at this image is angel.
(*The image that actually made the cover is definitely the one that completes my favorites. But you'll have to wait to view that one. I'll post it soon!)

(I love the toes!)

B was such a good, little cupid. She was so well-behaved, let us take as many pictures as we wanted, never got tired of it, always gave us the most adorable smiles, and put up with the chilly weather!
:)*And, um, major props to the publisher at the magazine for MAKING this outfit! Everything about it! (Okay, well, she bought the shirt.) But she made the skirt, the hair garland, the wings, the arrows, the bow, and the arrow holder! (there is probably a more technical term than "arrow holder", but that's what I came up with...)
She is such a crafty queen!
She is such a crafty queen!
How is the person/child that appears on the cover chosen?
Well, one rule applies to everyone, that they be a local resident. But other than that, there is no specific answer. We choose a theme of what we have in mind for the cover, and then see who fits that description for that given issue. I am not present when they actually choose who will be on the cover, they just tell me a date/place/& time! :)
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