Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I just want to publicly apologize to my clients still waiting for their blog posts!
I'm officially about a week and a half out! During the non-Christmas season, I usually post the night of the session, but that is just not possible right now!
My shooting, (Yes! I still have three Christmas shoots left this week!) and editing are just in overdrive, so the blog takes the slack even though it is one of my favorite things to do! I love sharing the sneak peeks with you guys and letting mommies feel the relief of "we got one!"

I'm catching up! Promise!

Well, I'm about to post a fun session!

Stay tuned...

**Every single sentence in the post ended with an exclamation point. Like I'm typing on Red Bull...**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please! The only thing you should feel obligated to do during the holidays is watch Christmas movies & eat white-fudge covered OREOS!!! If you do not do these 2 things, then yes, you are a slacker! I too am on Red Bull!!!